anam nasca

Healing Spirituality

for the 21st Century

"If you look deep enough inside, you will find your 'real self' and you will find the whole Universe..... but most importantly, you will find the way forward"

Healing Spirituality for the 21st Century

Healing, in its traditional sense, is the balancing of all aspects within the person for the general good of the system. 

Healing comes in many forms, one is the direct application of healing methods, through the likes of Soul Retrieval, Family Tree Healing, etc, another form is through the connection we have to the energies and Spirits around us and to the ‘Otherworld’. 

Through these connections, we are given a means of communication that enlivens and expands our Spirit.  Even at its most basic form, the communication we have, both within and without, is of the greatest importance during this time of incarnation.  

To allow our natural creative impulses to rise and be realised is to ultimately connect with the very essence of ourselves or, our Soul, which is essential for us to go that step further and connect with the energies around us and to the Greater Spiritual Presence.  Creativity is the work of the Soul and necessary for our Spiritual health. 

The work of Anam Nasca, not only promotes the healing of the body and the mind, but also promotes the ‘tapping in’ to the natural reservoir of creative energy that comes directly from the Soul. 

This is Soul work!

Declan Quigley of anam nasca

Declan Quigley of Anam Nasca, is comprehensively trained in Shamanic methods and practices and is a Reiki Master in multiple modalities. 

Through Declan’s compassionate understanding and support, let him help you to Inner Guidance, Angelic Help, Spiritual Direction and Soul Advice on any problems or questions that you may have in your life.

Our Services

Energetic Spiritual Healing

Divination, Spiritual Connection

Spiritual Teaching and Mentoring

Irish Shamanism

In modern times, we have lost the wisdom of our ancestors, in their connection to the energies of the land, ourselves and the Divine.  In other words we have lost our spiritual connection to ‘all that is’, the Great Spirit, or God and it is only in taking into account the breadth of human experience and understanding can we pave a way to the Divine and most importantly our own Divine energy.  The Shamanic understanding is that we are all connected in a great web of energy.  All matter, all energy and all souls combine to co-create with Spirit and evolve our species and our world in an atmosphere of togetherness and oneness.  Not since the ancient times of our ancestors has Shamanism been so crucially and fundamentally important to our health and well-being, spiritually, mentally and physically.  There is a constant attack on our being in this modern world, the main question is, how can we, as humans in this energetic eco-system,  find peace, understanding and healing from this toxic onslaught.  Shamanic philosophy would suggest, only through connection with the great web of creation and the Divine.

Shamanism is, first and foremost, a philosophy, a perspective on life and a way of being, that is in harmony with all things. Its focus is on how the practitioner maintains an ongoing and practical relationship with ‘God’ or ‘Spirit’ for the benefit of community and the world in general. Shamanism begins and ends with the heart, coming from the viewpoint that the Universe is a beneficent place and its building blocks are love and that is all that there is. Shamanism is the oldest spiritual practice known to mankind, dating back at least 50,000 years, if not more.  In this, the second decade of the 21st Century, we are presented with challenges that are separating us from those we love and our community, even from the sacredness of our own spirit.  Never has Shamanism been more relevant or applicable, in that Shamanism brings us together in the way of our ancestors and most importantly, reminds us how to connect with our own spirit and the spirit of all that is, or Universal consciousness.



If you’re curious about the work we do, want to book a therapeutic session, or a place on one of our training courses, or if you just want to have a chat about shamanism or spirituality in general, drop us a line. We love to chat.

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